Culinary Herbs

scientific name : Curcuma longa common name : turmeric uses : antiseptic, antibacterial, relief from stress, alcohol, and drug-induced ulcer formation.

The World Is A Kitchen – Turmeric Is The Perfect Spice.

Introduction: Curcuma longa Linn., commonly known as Turmeric, is a revered spice belonging to the Zingiberaceae family. Cultivated extensively throughout India, particularly in West Bengal, Tamil Nadu, and Maharashtra, Turmeric has gained global recognition for both its culinary and medicinal properties. In this comprehensive article, we will dive into the English and scientific names of

The World Is A Kitchen – Turmeric Is The Perfect Spice. Read More »

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scientific name : Glycyrrhiza glabra Common name : licorice Uses : expectorant, anti-depressive

Licorice – Everything You Need to Know About Licorice

Introduction To Licorice Glycyrrhiza glabra Linn, commonly known as Licorice or Liquorice, is a versatile plant belonging to the Papilionaceae/Fabaceae family. Native to the Mediterranean regions, this remarkable herb is now cultivated in various parts of India, including Punjab, Jammu and Kashmir, and South India. In this article, we will explore the traditional uses and

Licorice – Everything You Need to Know About Licorice Read More »

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