menstrual issues

scientific name : Glycyrrhiza glabra Common name : licorice Uses : expectorant, anti-depressive

Licorice – Everything You Need to Know About Licorice

Introduction To Licorice Glycyrrhiza glabra Linn, commonly known as Licorice or Liquorice, is a versatile plant belonging to the Papilionaceae/Fabaceae family. Native to the Mediterranean regions, this remarkable herb is now cultivated in various parts of India, including Punjab, Jammu and Kashmir, and South India. In this article, we will explore the traditional uses and

Licorice – Everything You Need to Know About Licorice Read More »

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“The Remarkable Health Benefits Of Shatavari :Empowering Women’s Wellness”

Shatavari’s healing touch extends to digestive discomforts like heartburn, diarrhoea, and irritable bowel syndrome, where its soothing influence can be profoundly beneficial.

“The Remarkable Health Benefits Of Shatavari :Empowering Women’s Wellness” Read More »

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