Tagetes erecta Linn., commonly known as Big Marigold or Aztec Marigold, is a plant native to Mexico that is widely cultivated in gardens all over India. It belongs to the Compositae family, also known as Asteraceae. In various traditional medicine systems, such as Ayurveda, Unani, and Siddha, this plant has been used for its medicinal properties.
Medicinal Uses:
1. Treatment of Cold and Bronchitis:
The infusion of the whole plant of Tagetes erecta has shown effectiveness in treating cold and bronchitis. It can help alleviate symptoms and provide relief from respiratory conditions.
2. Rheumatism Treatment:
Tagetes erecta has been traditionally used in the treatment of rheumatism. Its therapeutic properties can help reduce inflammation and relieve joint pain associated with this condition.
3. Alterative and Hemostatic Properties:
The flowers of Tagetes erecta have alterative properties, meaning they help boost overall health and well-being. Additionally, the juice from the flowers can be used to stop bleeding in cases of piles.
4. Styptic and Topical Application:
The leaves of Tagetes erecta have styptic properties and are often applied externally to boils, carbuncles, and wounds. They can help facilitate healing and prevent infection.
5. Emmenagogue and Diuretic Effects:
Both the leaves and florets of Tagetes erecta exhibit emmenagogue properties, which means they can stimulate and regulate menstrual flow. Furthermore, they also have diuretic effects, helping to increase urine production and promote detoxification.
6. Vermifuge Properties:
Tagetes erecta has been traditionally used as a vermifuge, meaning it can help expel intestinal worms. This property makes it useful in the treatment of parasitic infections.
Chemical Composition:
Tagetes erecta contains various bioactive compounds that contribute to its medicinal properties. Fresh petals of the flowers contain hydroxyflavones, such as quercetagetin and tagetiin. The flowers also yield lutein esters of dipalmitate, dimyristate, and monomyristate. The essential oil obtained from the plant consists of limonene, ocimene, linalyl acetate, linalool, tagetone, and n-nonyl aldehyde as major components.

Tagetes Species in India:
Apart from Tagetes erecta, other species of Tagetes grown in India include Tagetes minuta Linn. and Tagetes patula Linn. Tagetes minuta, also known as Stinking-Roger, is native to South America but cultivated in the northwest Himalayan region of India. It is known for its high essential oil yield, particularly tagetone content. Tagetes patula, commonly known as French Marigold, is native to Mexico and cultivated in Indian gardens. It is credited with nematocidal properties, making it effective against nematode parasites.
Dosage and Administration:
For medicinal use, the recommended dosage of Tagetes erecta is 10-20 ml of leaf juice. However, it is important to consult a healthcare professional or traditional medicine practitioner for proper guidance on dosage and administration.
Tagetes erecta Linn., also known as Big Marigold or Aztec Marigold, is a plant with significant medicinal properties. Its various parts, including the flowers, leaves, and florets, have been traditionally used in different medical systems for treating conditions such as cold, bronchitis, rheumatism, and more. Furthermore, the chemical composition of the plant, including its essential oils and flavonoids, contributes to its therapeutic effects. Tagetes erecta proves to be a valuable herb in traditional medicine, promoting overall health and well-being.
Frequently Asked Questions:
What is Tagetes erecta Linn.?
Tagetes erecta Linn., also known as Big Marigold or Aztec Marigold, is a plant native to Mexico that is widely cultivated in gardens all over India.
What is the Compositae family?
The Compositae family, also known as Asteraceae, is a family of plants that includes Tagetes erecta. It is one of the largest families of flowering plants.
What are the medicinal uses of Tagetes erecta?
Tagetes erecta has been traditionally used for treating conditions such as cold, bronchitis, rheumatism, and piles. It also has emmenagogue, diuretic, and vermifuge properties.
How does Tagetes erecta help in treating cold and bronchitis?
The infusion of the whole plant of Tagetes erecta can help alleviate symptoms and provide relief from respiratory conditions like cold and bronchitis.
What is the traditional use of Tagetes erecta in rheumatism treatment?
Tagetes erecta has been traditionally used in the treatment of rheumatism. It can help reduce inflammation and relieve joint pain associated with this condition.
How can the flowers of Tagetes erecta be used as a hemostatic agent?
The flowers of Tagetes erecta have alterative properties and the juice from the flowers can be used to stop bleeding in cases of piles.
What are the stylistic properties of Tagetes erecta?
The leaves of Tagetes erecta have styptic properties and can be applied topically to boils, carbuncles, and wounds to facilitate healing and prevent infection.
How do the leaves and florets of Tagetes erecta exhibit emmenagogue properties?
Both the leaves and florets of Tagetes erecta can stimulate and regulate menstrual flow, making it useful for women with irregular periods.
Can Tagetes erecta help with expelling intestinal worms?
Yes, Tagetes erecta has vermifuge properties and can help expel intestinal worms. It is used in the treatment of parasitic infections.
What are the bioactive compounds found in Tagetes erecta?
Tagetes erecta contains hydroxyflavones such as quercetagetin and tagetiin. The flowers also contain lutein esters of dipalmitate, dimyristate, and monomyristate. The essential oil of the plant contains compounds such as limonene, ocimene, linalyl acetate, linalool, tagetone, and n-nonyl aldehyde.
Are there other species of Tagetes grown in India?
Yes, apart from Tagetes erecta, other species of Tagetes grown in India include Tagetes minuta and Tagetes patula.
What is Tagetes minuta known for?
Tagetes minuta, also known as Stinking-Roger, is known for its high essential oil yield, particularly tagetone content. It is native to South America but cultivated in the northwest Himalayan region of India.
What is Tagetes patula commonly known as?
Tagetes patula is commonly known as French Marigold. It is native to Mexico and is cultivated in Indian gardens.
What are the nematocidal properties of Tagetes patula?
Tagetes patula is credited with nematocidal properties, making it effective against nematode parasites.
What is the recommended dosage of Tagetes erecta for medicinal use?
The recommended dosage of Tagetes erecta is 10-20 ml of leaf juice. However, it’s important to consult a healthcare professional or traditional medicine practitioner for proper guidance on dosage and administration.
Is Tagetes erecta safe for consumption?
Tagetes erecta has a long history of traditional use and is generally considered safe for consumption. However, it’s always best to consult a healthcare professional before using any herbal remedies.
Can Tagetes erecta be used in combination with other herbs?
Yes, Tagetes erecta can be used in combination with other herbs for synergistic effects. However, it’s important to seek guidance from a qualified practitioner to ensure proper and safe combinations.