Hardwickia And Its Medicinal Uses

scientific name : Hardwickia binata common name : anjana uses : sexually transmitted diseases, leucorrhoea, chronic cystitis, gonorrhoea and it can also be used as a diuretic


Hardwickia binata Roxb., also known as Anjana in Ayurveda and Katudugu or Kodapalai in Siddha/Tamil, is a plant that belongs to the Caesalpiniaceae family.

Hardwickia is used to treat sexually transmitted diseases, leucorrhoea, chronic cystitis, gonorrhoea and it can also be used as a diuretic.


It is commonly found in the dry forests of the Deccan Peninsula, Central India, and parts of Uttar Pradesh and Bihar.

Traditional Uses Of Hadwickia

In traditional medicine, the balsam of Hardwickia binata is used to treat sexually transmitted diseases. It is believed to have similar properties to Copaiba balsam, which is derived from the Copaifera langsdorffii plant in Brazil.

In addition to its use in treating sexually transmitted diseases, the balsam of Hardwickia binata is also used in the treatment of leucorrhoea, chronic cystitis, and gonorrhoea.

It is often combined with cubebs and sandal for maximum effect. The resin, not the oleo-resin, is used as a diuretic.

Chemical Constituents Of Hardwickia

While the essential oil of Hardwickia binata may have some medicinal properties, it is important to note that it is not a substitute for Copaiba oil.

The heartwood of the plant contains beta-sitosterol, (+)-taxifolin, eriodictyol, (+)-catechin, (+)-epicatechin, and (+)-mopanol when extracted with methanol.

These phenolic compounds are believed to have antibacterial and antifungal properties.

scientific name : Hardwickia binata common name : anjana uses : sexually transmitted diseases, leucorrhoea, chronic cystitis, gonorrhoea and it can also be used as a diuretic

Potential Benefits

In addition to its medicinal uses, Hardwickia binata also has environmental benefits.

The bark of the plant has a high absorption capacity for mercury from water.

This means that the plant can potentially be used to clean up water bodies contaminated with mercury.


In conclusion, Hardwickia binata Roxb., or Anjana, is a plant that has both medicinal and environmental benefits. Its balsam is used in traditional medicine to treat sexually transmitted diseases and other conditions.

The plant’s heartwood contains phenolic compounds that have antibacterial and antifungal properties. Additionally, the bark of the plant can absorb mercury from water, making it an effective tool for water pollution control.

Frequntly Asked Questions(FAQs)

What is Hardwickia binata Roxb.?
Hardwickia binata Roxb. is a plant that belongs to the Caesalpiniaceae family.

What are the common names of Hardwickia binata?
Hardwickia binata is commonly known as Anjana in Ayurveda and Katudugu or Kodapalai in Siddha/Tamil.

Where is Hardwickia binata commonly found?
Hardwickia binata is commonly found in the dry forests of the Deccan Peninsula, Central India, and parts of Uttar Pradesh and Bihar.

What is the traditional use of Hardwickia binata in medicine?
The balsam of Hardwickia binata is used in traditional medicine to treat sexually transmitted diseases.

What are the other conditions that Hardwickia binata balsam is used to treat?
Apart from sexually transmitted diseases, the balsam of Hardwickia binata is also used to treat leucorrhoea, chronic cystitis, and gonorrhoea.

What are the recommended combinations for treating conditions with Hardwickia binata balsam?
Hardwickia binata balsam is often combined with cubebs and sandal for maximum effect in treating various conditions.

Can the essential oil of Hardwickia binata be used as a substitute for Copaiba oil?
No, the essential oil of Hardwickia binata is not a substitute for Copaiba oil.

What compounds are found in the heartwood of Hardwickia binata?
The heartwood of Hardwickia binata contains beta-sitosterol, (+)-taxifolin, eriodictyol, (+)-catechin, (+)-epicatechin, and (+)-mopanol when extracted with methanol.

Do these compounds in the heartwood of Hardwickia binata have any medicinal properties?
Yes, these phenolic compounds are believed to have antibacterial and antifungal properties.

What are some of the environmental benefits of Hardwickia binata?
The bark of Hardwickia binata has a high absorption capacity for mercury from water, which means it can potentially be used to clean up water bodies contaminated with mercury.

Can Hardwickia binata be used in the treatment of other conditions besides the ones mentioned?
Hardwickia binata is primarily used in traditional medicine for the treatment of the mentioned conditions. Further research is needed to explore its efficacy in other areas.

Is Hardwickia binata readily available for medicinal use?
Hardwickia binata can be found in the dry forests of specific regions, but its availability for medicinal use may vary.

Are there any known side effects of using Hardwickia binata?
There is limited information available on the potential side effects of using Hardwickia binata. 

Can Hardwickia binata be grown outside its natural habitat?
Hardwickia binata is typically found in specific regions with specific environmental conditions. Growing it outside its natural habitat may require special care and attention.

Is Hardwickia binata an endangered plant species?
Hardwickia binata is not currently listed as an endangered plant species.

Are there any ongoing research studies on Hardwickia binata?
There may be ongoing research studies on Hardwickia binata to explore its potential medicinal and environmental benefits further.

Can the balsam of Hardwickia binata be used topically?
The traditional use of Hardwickia binata balsam is mainly internal. 

Can Hardwickia binata be used by pregnant women?
The use of Hardwickia binata during pregnancy should be avoided unless directed by a qualified healthcare professional.

Where can I find Hardwickia binata balsam?
Hardwickia binata balsam may be available at some Ayurvedic or traditional medicine stores. It is always advisable to source it from reputable vendors.

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Herbal Rejoice

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