Valeriana hardwickii Wall. is a plant species that belongs to the Valerianaceae family. It is native to the temperate Himalayas, found in regions ranging from Kashmir to Bhutan. This plant thrives at altitudes of 1,200 to 3,600 meters. It is also found in the Khasi and Jaintia hills, at elevations between 1,500 and 1,800 meters.
In different regions, Valeriana hardwickii is known by various names. In Mumbai, it is referred to as Taggar-ganthodaa, while in Kumaon it is called Asaarun. In Unani medicine, Asaarun is associated with Asarum europaeum Linn., a plant species from the Aristolochiaceae family. Asarum europaeum is also known as Subul-e-barri, Naardinbarri, and Persian Tagar. In English, it is referred to as Wild Nard, Hazel Wort, and Asarabacca. Although both Valeriana hardwickii and Asarum europaeum have sedative and brain tonic properties, they should not be considered the same.

It is important to note that the synonym “Baalaka” is often used interchangeably with Tagara. However, Baalaka is actually associated with Pavonia odorata Willd., a plant species from the Malvaceae family. In Northern markets, Baalaka is known as Sugandhabaalaa. In South India, Coleus vettiveroides K. C. Jacob from the Labiateae family is preferred as Baalaka. Another plant species, Delphinium brunonianum Royle from the Ranunculaceae family, is also used as Tagara and has synonyms such as Kutila, Nata, and Vakra.
In conclusion, Valeriana hardwickii Wall. is a plant species belonging to the Valerianaceae family. It can be found in the temperate Himalayas at various altitudes. Different regions have different names for this plant, such as Taggar-ganthodaa and Asaarun. It is important to distinguish between Valeriana hardwickii and Asarum europaeum, as they have similar properties but are not the same. Additionally, Baalaka is often used as a synonym for Tagara, but it actually refers to Pavonia odorata and Coleus vettiveroides in different regions.
Frequently Asked Questions
What family does Valeriana hardwickii Wall. belong to?
Valeriana hardwickii Wall. belongs to the Valerianaceae family.
Where is Valeriana hardwickii native to?
Valeriana hardwickii is native to the temperate Himalayas.
At what altitudes does Valeriana hardwickii thrive?
Valeriana hardwickii thrives at altitudes of 1,200 to 3,600 meters.
Where else can Valeriana hardwickii be found?
Valeriana hardwickii can also be found in the Khasi and Jaintia hills, at elevations between 1,500 and 1,800 meters.
What is Valeriana hardwickii known as in Mumbai?
In Mumbai, Valeriana hardwickii is known as Taggar-ganthodaa.
What is Valeriana hardwickii called in Kumaon?
In Kumaon, Valeriana hardwickii is called Asaarun.
What is the synonym for Tagara?
The synonym for Tagara is Baalaka.
Is Valeriana hardwickii and Asarum europaeum the same?
No, Valeriana hardwickii and Asarum europaeum are not the same, although they have similar properties.
What is Asarum europaeum known as in English?
Asarum europaeum is known as Wild Nard, Hazel Wort, and Asarabacca in English.
What is Asarum europaeume associated with in Unani medicine?
Asarum europaeum is associated with Asarum europaeum Linn. in Unani medicine.
What is Asarum europaeum called in Unani medicine?
In Unani medicine, Asarum europaeum is called Subul-e-barri, Naardinbarri, and Persian Tagar.
What is Tagara also known as in South India?
Tagara is also known as Baalaka in South India.
What plant species does Baalaka refer to?
Baalaka refers to Pavonia odorata Willd. in Northern markets and Coleus vettiveroides K. C. Jacob in South India.
What are the synonyms for Delphinium brunonianum Royle?
The synonyms for Delphinium brunonianum Royle are Kutila, Nata, and Vakra.
Is Baalaka the same as Tagara?
No, Baalaka is not the same as Tagara.
What are the common names of Asarum europaeum?
The common names of Asarum europaeum are Wild Nard, Hazel Wort, and Asarabacca.
17. Where can Valeriana hardwickii be found in the Himalayas?
Valeriana hardwickii can be found in various regions of the Himalayas, ranging from Kashmir to Bhutan.
What other names are used for Valeriana hardwickii?
Valeriana hardwickii is also known as Taggar-ganthodaa and Asaarun in different regions.
Are Valeriana hardwickii and Asarum europaeum both sedative and brain tonic?
Both Valeriana hardwickii and Asarum europaeum have sedative and brain tonic properties.
Can Delphinium brunonianum Royle be used as Tagara?
Yes, Delphinium brunonianum Royle can be used as Tagara and has synonyms such as Kutila, Nata, and Vakra.