Discovering Zehneria umbellata: A Plant for Urinary and Skin Health

Zehneria umbellata Thw. is a plant belonging to the Cucurbitaceae family. It is also known by its synonym names Melothria heterophylla (Lour.) Cogn. and Solena heterophylla (Lour.) Cogn. This plant can be found throughout India, growing up to an altitude of 2,100 meters.

In Siddha and Tamil traditional medicine, Zehneria umbellata Thw. is referred to as Pulivanji. In folk medicine, it is known as Tarali, Gometi (in Maharashtra), Banakakaraa (in Punjab), and Kudri (in Bengal).

Zehneria umbellata

The root of this plant is commonly used in traditional medicine to treat dysuria and spermatorrhoea. The leaves of Zehneria umbellata Thw. are often applied topically to alleviate skin inflammation.

Additionally, the seed of this plant contains linolenic and oleic acids, which are beneficial for the body. The root of Zehneria umbellata Thw. contains a compound called columbin, which also has medicinal properties.

In summary, Zehneria umbellata Thw. is a versatile plant with various traditional medicinal uses. Its root is used to treat dysuria and spermatorrhoea, while the leaves are used for skin inflammation. The seed and root also contain important compounds that offer health benefits.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Zehneria umbellata Thw.?
It is a plant from the Cucurbitaceae family, known for its medicinal uses in traditional medicine.

What are the synonym names for Zehneria umbellata Thw.?
It is also known as Melothria heterophylla (Lour.) Cogn. and Solena heterophylla (Lour.) Cogn.

Where is Zehneria umbellata Thw. found?
It is found throughout India, growing up to an altitude of 2,100 meters.

What is Zehneria umbellata Thw. called in Siddha and Tamil traditional medicine?
It is referred to as Pulivanji.

What are the folk medicine names for Zehneria umbellata Thw.?
It is known as Tarali, Gometi in Maharashtra, Banakakaraa in Punjab, and Kudri in Bengal.

What are the medicinal uses of the root of Zehneria umbellata Thw.?
The root is used to treat dysuria (painful urination) and spermatorrhoea.

How are the leaves of Zehneria umbellata Thw. used medicinally?
The leaves are applied topically to reduce skin inflammation.

What beneficial acids are found in the seeds of Zehneria umbellata Thw.?
The seeds contain linolenic and oleic acids, which are beneficial for health.

What is columbin, and where is it found in Zehneria umbellata Thw.?
Columbin is a medicinal compound found in the root of the plant.

How does Zehneria umbellata Thw. benefit the skin?
The leaves are used to alleviate skin inflammation through topical application.

What are the health benefits of linolenic and oleic acids in Zehneria umbellata Thw.?
These acids support overall health, particularly in maintaining healthy skin and cardiovascular function.

Can Zehneria umbellata Thw. help with urinary issues?
Yes, its root is traditionally used to treat dysuria.

Is Zehneria umbellata Thw. used in modern medicine?
It is primarily used in traditional medicine, though its compounds have recognized health benefits.

What traditional systems of medicine use Zehneria umbellata Thw.?
It is used in Siddha, Tamil traditional medicine, and various folk medicine practices across India.

Are there any known side effects of using Zehneria umbellata Thw.?
It is generally considered safe when used appropriately; consult a healthcare provider for guidance.

How is Zehneria umbellata Thw. prepared for medicinal use?
The root, leaves, and seeds are typically used in the form of extracts, pastes, or other traditional preparations.

What is spermatorrhoea, and how does Zehneria umbellata Thw. help?
Spermatorrhoea is involuntary semen discharge, and the root of the plant is traditionally used to treat it.

Can Zehneria umbellata Thw. be used for skin inflammation?
Yes, the leaves are used topically to reduce skin inflammation.

Where can I find Zehneria umbellata Thw. products?
It may be available in herbal shops or through traditional medicine practitioners in India.

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Herbal Rejoice

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