Walsura trifoliata : A Natural Remedy with Multiple Benefits


Walsura trifoliata, also known as Cheddavokko or Kanjiram in Tamil and Waalsuuraa in folk medicine, is a plant belonging to the Meliaceae family. It is commonly found in Karnataka, the Western Ghats, Palni and Anaimalai Hills, as well as western India.

Medicinal Uses

Used in traditional Siddha medicine, Walsura trifoliata has a variety of medicinal properties. The bark of this plant has been traditionally used as a stimulant, expectorant, emmenagogue, and emetic. It is believed to have the ability to kill vermin in the hair as well.

Chemical Components

One of the active components found in the bark of Walsura trifoliata is saponin, which is known for its expectorant properties. Saponin helps to loosen mucus and phlegm, making it easier to expel from the respiratory system. This makes it an effective remedy for treating coughs and respiratory congestion.

Another key component found in the bark is tannin. Tannins have astringent properties, which means they can help to tighten and tone tissues. This makes Walsura trifoliata beneficial for treating conditions like diarrhea and dysentery, as it helps to reduce inflammation in the digestive system.

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In addition to its medicinal properties, Walsura trifoliata is also known for its insecticidal properties. The plant’s bark has traditionally been used to kill vermin in the hair, effectively getting rid of lice and other parasites.

With its various medicinal and insecticidal properties, Walsura trifoliata has proven to be a valuable natural remedy. Its ability to act as a stimulant, expectorant, emmenagogue, and emetic make it a versatile choice for tackling different health issues.

To make the most of Walsura trifoliata’s benefits, the bark can be prepared as a decoction or powdered for topical use. However, it is important to note that the plant should be used under the guidance of a qualified healthcare professional or experienced herbalist.


In conclusion, Walsura trifoliata (A. Juss.) Harms, also known as Cheddavokko, Kanjiram, or Waalsuuraa, is a plant with diverse medicinal properties. Its bark, which contains saponin and tannin, can be used as a stimulant, expectorant, emmenagogue, emetic, and insecticide. Whether it’s treating respiratory conditions or getting rid of vermin, Walsura trifoliata is a natural remedy worth considering. However, it is advisable to seek professional guidance before using it medicinally.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Walsura trifoliata?
A plant from the Meliaceae family, commonly found in Karnataka, Western Ghats, and western India.

What are its common names?
Cheddavokko, Kanjiram (in Tamil), and Waalsuuraa (in folk medicine).

Where is Walsura trifoliata found?
In Karnataka, Western Ghats, Palni, Anaimalai Hills, and western India.

What are the medicinal uses of Walsura trifoliata?Used as a stimulant, expectorant, emmenagogue, emetic, and insecticide.

What traditional system of medicine uses Walsura trifoliata?
Siddha medicine.

What is saponin?
An active component in the bark with expectorant properties.

How does saponin benefit respiratory health?
It helps loosen mucus and phlegm, easing respiratory congestion.

What is tannin?
A component in the bark with astringent properties, beneficial for digestive health.

How does tannin help with digestive issues?
It reduces inflammation and tightens tissues, helping treat diarrhea and dysentery.

What insecticidal properties does Walsura trifoliata have?
The bark is traditionally used to kill lice and parasites in the hair.

How is the bark of Walsura trifoliata used?
Prepared as a decoction or powdered for topical application.

What conditions can Walsura trifoliata treat?
Coughs, respiratory congestion, diarrhea, dysentery, and lice infestations.

Can Walsura trifoliata be used for stimulating effects?
Yes, it is traditionally used as a stimulant.

What is an expectorant?
A substance that helps expel mucus from the respiratory system.

What is an emmenagogue?
A substance that stimulates menstrual flow.

What is an emetic?
A substance that induces vomiting.

How is Walsura trifoliata used as an insecticide?
The bark is applied topically to kill vermin like lice.

What precautions should be taken when using Walsura trifoliata?
It should be used under the guidance of a healthcare professional or herbalist.

How can the bark of Walsura trifoliata be prepared?
It can be made into a decoction or powdered for topical use.

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Herbal Rejoice

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