Victoria Regia: The Royal Waterlily and Its Medicinal Wonders


Victoria regia, also known as Royal Waterlily or Water Maize (seeds), is a plant native to South America. It belongs to the Nymphaeaceae family and is commonly found in pools in botanic gardens.

Medicinal Uses

In Ayurveda, Victoria regia is referred to as Brihat-patra Kamal. The seeds of this plant have a cooling effect on the nervous system and are considered refrigerant. The root of the Pond Lily, another name for Victoria regia, has external uses such as being an astringent and antiscrofulous. Additionally, an infusion made from this plant is often used as a gargle for ulcers in the mouth and throat.

Chemical Constituents

The leaves of Victoria regia are rich in anthocyanins, specifically delphinidin and cyanidin. These compounds contribute to the vibrant color of the leaves.


In summary, Victoria regia is a remarkable plant with various health benefits. Its seeds have a cooling effect on the nervous system, while its roots have astringent and antiscrofulous properties. The leaves contain anthocyanins, which provide a beautiful color. Cultivating this plant in botanic gardens can bring joy and natural beauty to any scenery.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Victoria regia?
Victoria regia, also known as Royal Waterlily or Water Maize, is a plant native to South America belonging to the Nymphaeaceae family.

What are the medicinal uses of Victoria regia?
Victoria regia’s seeds have a cooling effect on the nervous system and are considered refrigerant. The root is used for its astringent and antiscrofulous properties, while an infusion made from the plant is used as a gargle for mouth and throat ulcers.

What is the Ayurvedic name for Victoria regia?
In Ayurveda, Victoria regia is referred to as Brihat-patra Kamal.

What compounds are found in the leaves of Victoria regia?
The leaves are rich in anthocyanins, specifically delphinidin and cyanidin, which contribute to their vibrant color.

Where can Victoria regia be found?
This plant is commonly found in pools in botanic gardens, where it thrives in aquatic environments.

What are the benefits of using the seeds of Victoria regia?
The seeds are known for their cooling effect on the nervous system, making them beneficial for reducing heat-related discomfort.

How is Victoria regia used in traditional medicine?
The root is applied externally for its astringent and antiscrofulous effects, and the infusion from the plant is used as a gargle for treating oral ulcers.

Can Victoria regia be cultivated at home?
Yes, it can be cultivated in garden ponds or water features, provided that the conditions mimic its natural aquatic habitat.

Are there any known side effects of using Victoria regia?
There are no widely documented side effects, but as with any herbal remedy, it is advisable to consult a healthcare professional before use.

How can I prepare an infusion from Victoria regia?
To prepare an infusion, the leaves or roots can be steeped in hot water for several minutes and then used as a gargle for mouth or throat ulcers.

Is Victoria regia suitable for ornamental use?
Yes, its large leaves and striking flowers make it a popular choice for ornamental purposes in gardens and water features.

Where can I buy Victoria regia seeds or plants?
Victoria regia can be sourced from specialized nurseries, botanical gardens, or online retailers that offer aquatic plants.

What is the ideal habitat for growing Victoria regia?
It thrives in warm, shallow water in ponds or wetlands with ample sunlight.

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