Healing Power of Wedelia biflora


Wedelia biflora DC., also known as Bhringaraaja in Ayurveda, is a plant belonging to the Compositae; Asteraceae family. It is commonly found near sea-coasts and the Andamans. This article will explore the various uses of Wedelia biflora and its medicinal properties.

Traditional Uses

One of the traditional uses of Wedelia biflora is in the treatment of ulcers, sores, and varicose veins. The leaves of the plant are used as a poultice to alleviate the symptoms of these conditions. Additionally, a paste made from the leaves is applied topically to treat fungal infections. The leaf decoction is known for its vulnerary and antiscabious properties.

In Ayurveda, Wedelia biflora is also recognized as a tonic for postpartum women. The juice of the plant’s leaves is mixed with cow’s milk and given internally to provide strength and nourishment after childbirth.

Chemical Constituents

Chemical analysis of Wedelia biflora has revealed the presence of veratrylidene hydrazide and quercetin derivatives in the dried leaves. These compounds contribute to the plant’s medicinal properties. The stem of Wedelia biflora contains stigmasterol and grandifloric acid.

In addition to its traditional uses, Wedelia biflora has shown antifungal activity. This makes it a potential natural remedy for fungal infections.


In conclusion, Wedelia biflora DC., or Bhringaraaja, is a plant that is widely used in traditional medicine. Its leaves are beneficial in treating ulcers, sores, varicose veins, and fungal infections. It is also used as a postpartum tonic. The chemical constituents of Wedelia biflora contribute to its medicinal properties, and it has demonstrated antifungal activity. Incorporating Wedelia biflora into your natural health routine may offer various health benefits.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Wedelia biflora?
A plant from the Compositae (Asteraceae) family, commonly found near sea-coasts and in the Andamans.

What is the Ayurvedic name for Wedelia biflora?
It is known as Bhringaraaja in Ayurveda.

Where is Wedelia biflora typically found?
Near sea-coasts and in the Andamans.

What are the medicinal uses of Wedelia biflora?
It is used to treat ulcers, sores, varicose veins, fungal infections, and scabies.

How are the leaves of Wedelia biflora used for ulcers and sores?
The leaves are made into a poultice and applied topically.

How is Wedelia biflora used for fungal infections?
A paste made from the leaves is applied to the affected area.

What is the vulnerary property of Wedelia biflora?
It helps in wound healing.

What is antiscabious property in Wedelia biflora?
It refers to its ability to treat scabies and other skin conditions.

What is the traditional postpartum use of Wedelia biflora in Ayurveda?
The juice of its leaves is mixed with cow’s milk and given to women after childbirth.

How does Wedelia biflora benefit postpartum women?
It provides strength and nourishment after childbirth.

Can Wedelia biflora be used for varicose veins?
Yes, a poultice of the leaves is applied to alleviate symptoms of varicose veins.

Is Wedelia biflora effective for treating sores?
Yes, it is traditionally used as a remedy for sores.

What part of Wedelia biflora is used for making a poultice?
The leaves of the plant.

What form of Wedelia biflora is used to treat fungal infections?
A paste made from the leaves.

What is the role of Wedelia biflora in wound healing?
Its vulnerary properties make it effective in healing wounds.

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Herbal Rejoice

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